The Gladstone Parade
"Celebrate Summer!" is this year's parade theme. The Gladstone Parade starts at 10 a.m. on Saturday, August 6. We are seeking bands, drum lines, costumed groups, lawn chair drill teams, cheerleaders, musical performers, clowns, floats, jugglers, dance teams, dog lovers, & other creative entries for the 2022 parade, so sign up now and get ready for a fabulous event!
Entry form
All entries must be submitted by 5 p.m. on Thursday, August 4.
The 2022 parade will feature performances by The Beat Goes On Marching Band, accompanied by more than 30 baton twirlers and dancers!
The Portland Avenue Pedalers
This is an opportunity for kids to be part of the parade on bikes, long boards, scooters, pulling wagons, or driving pedal cars. A decorating party will be held Friday, August 5 from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at 125 E. Dartmouth. Supplies will be provided by The Cookie Pot and Tiger Fruit Smoothies.
The Big Event!
Parade entrants sign in begins at 8:30 a.m. August 6 in the Gladstone High School parking lot: 18800 Portland Avenue. A $10 donation per entry is requested to help cover event costs.
Parade route map
Judging will take place during the parade, with a brief stop in front of the JUDGES TABLE in front of Watts Heating & Cooling on Portland Ave. between Exeter & Dartmouth St.
There will be winners from 3 categories announced at noon from the main stage at Max Patterson park.
1) "Spirit of Gladstone" -- What does the Sprit of Gladstone mean to you? Show us!
2) Overall Creativity/Ingenuity of entrant design or choreography
3) Rockin' the Parade Swag- Ingenuity of trinkets items (candy, bouncy balls, beads, pencils, paper airplanes and more) and/or delivery of trinkets to parade fans.
For more information, contact
Tracy Todd at [email protected]
"Celebrate Summer!" is this year's parade theme. The Gladstone Parade starts at 10 a.m. on Saturday, August 6. We are seeking bands, drum lines, costumed groups, lawn chair drill teams, cheerleaders, musical performers, clowns, floats, jugglers, dance teams, dog lovers, & other creative entries for the 2022 parade, so sign up now and get ready for a fabulous event!
Entry form
All entries must be submitted by 5 p.m. on Thursday, August 4.
The 2022 parade will feature performances by The Beat Goes On Marching Band, accompanied by more than 30 baton twirlers and dancers!
The Portland Avenue Pedalers
This is an opportunity for kids to be part of the parade on bikes, long boards, scooters, pulling wagons, or driving pedal cars. A decorating party will be held Friday, August 5 from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at 125 E. Dartmouth. Supplies will be provided by The Cookie Pot and Tiger Fruit Smoothies.
The Big Event!
Parade entrants sign in begins at 8:30 a.m. August 6 in the Gladstone High School parking lot: 18800 Portland Avenue. A $10 donation per entry is requested to help cover event costs.
Parade route map
Judging will take place during the parade, with a brief stop in front of the JUDGES TABLE in front of Watts Heating & Cooling on Portland Ave. between Exeter & Dartmouth St.
There will be winners from 3 categories announced at noon from the main stage at Max Patterson park.
1) "Spirit of Gladstone" -- What does the Sprit of Gladstone mean to you? Show us!
2) Overall Creativity/Ingenuity of entrant design or choreography
3) Rockin' the Parade Swag- Ingenuity of trinkets items (candy, bouncy balls, beads, pencils, paper airplanes and more) and/or delivery of trinkets to parade fans.
For more information, contact
Tracy Todd at [email protected]